Quick-Impact Projects for community needs
UNMEE launched a Quick-Impact Projects (QIPs) programme in early 2001 with US$700,000 from the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO). It then mobilized US$1.7 million from nearly fifty partners to support health, education, sanitation, and water projects for some 774,000 people in the Mission area. As of September 2005, about 123 projects had been initiated with the assistance of UNMEE and 96 of them had been completed. Seventy nine of the projects were in Eritrea and 43 were in Ethiopia to address immediate needs in the Temporary Security Zone (TSZ) and the adjacent areas.
The projects, ranging from as little as $100 to a maximum of $15,000 were implemented in Ethiopia and Eritrea by United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and units of the UNMEE force, civic organizations and local administrations. The following projects were among those completed:
Safe drinking water for the town of Rama, Ethiopia
To provide safe drinking water for the town of Rama (Ethiopia), a QIP was authorized to repair the local well and water distribution system. Construction took place from May-September 2002 and was funded from UNMEE's assessed budget.
Water distribution point in Abo village, Eritrea
This QIP provides clean water to 1,200 inhabitants of the Abo village, clinic and school, and minimizes water wastage from old rusted pipelines. The project was executed in October-November 2001 and was funded from UNMEE's assessed budget.
Adi Genu water reservoir Eritrea
The aim of this QIP was to provide clean drinking water for the town by providing pipeline maintenance and a motor pump to bring water to a central distribution point. The project was implemented by the Comboni Missionary Sisters.
Construction of public latrines in Senafe, Eritrea
The aim of this QIP was to provide Senafe town with public sanitation facilities. It was implemented by a local NGO – the Eritrean Solidarity and Cooperation Association (ESCA).
Pit latrines for Manda elementary school
The aim of this QIP was to provide minimum ablution conditions for over 400 students. With adequate sanitation facilities both hygiene and school attendance was expected to increase. The project was implemented by the Manda local administration.